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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Efrat Deutsch

Spotlight on Efrat Deutsch, Toronto, Jewelry Artist Extraordinaire

Often in my daydreams I fancy myself as an artist living in Toronto in a loft on the water, speaking French, and dressed effortlessly stylish.   Then I look around and realize I am still in NJ, squished in my bedroom studio, in my sweats. Efrat is the fake me! She is an artist. And lucky for all of us jewelry lovers, jewelry is where she focuses her talent. She painstakingly designs each piece and  each piece benefits from a solid foundation of form and function that was learned while Efrat was achieving her BFA as a goldsmith.


A sunflower was Efrat's inspiration for these gorgeous earrings. She created the flower pattern using a rolling mill and then hand cut the shape from a sheet of brass and also plated the piece herself using 18k gold plating. 

Efrat was in inspired by a beautiful flower that was missing a leaf, when she designed these earrings.


This artist finds her inspiration in nature, as well as the urban world in which she lives.
If I had to put a name on her style I would call it, "Geometric Organic."  

As in nature, no two of her pieces are exactly the same.

Efrat's creative process is compelling, and I was so pleased to find great sequential photos of some of her projects in her blog.  Even better, Efrat is holding a giveaway of one of her jewelry pieces! To enter, click the blog link above and you will find the instructions for entering.

I am so happy I got to share this incredible artist with you. It is no fun keeping your new favorite find to yourself.
Thank you for reading,


 http://www.etsy.com/shop/efratdeutsch       http://efratdeutschjewelrydesign.blogspot.com

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