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Friday, February 18, 2011


Try hitME Free! During their launch promotion.
What does this mean? It means you can send an Ecard with a song attached.
The song is a gift the recipient can download and keep forever.

How? Its easy as 1-2-3-4

This is a fantastic idea from my friend Isabel at ecardindustries.
How many ecards do you open and think, "nice, they spent 20 seconds sending me a card".
Those thoughts do not apply to a hitME card.
First, your recipient will know you took the time to choose an artistic and beautiful card, not kitschy.
Next, they will know you took the time to choose the gift of a song  you know they will love; or that has deep meaning for the two of you; or that sends a message that you cannot put into words yourself.

What are you waiting for? Try it for free!
Use it on Facebook. Simply "allow" the application and you are off and running.

about hitMe and ecardindustries (http://www.ecardindustries.com/hitme)
hitME is the first web application to enable users to send full-featured e-greetings to anyone with an email address and attach a downloadable digital gift - which currently can be any song or album from more than 10,000 major and independent record labels.

Future digital gifts will include video games, television series, movies, digital books, tickets, and gift cards.


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