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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

JET of the DAY: Jems By JB & Company

Today's Jet of the Day comes to us from upstate NY; the Albany area. 

There is still time for Valentine's Day!

Jems byJB & Company is named for Judy and Bill who bring you this uniquely designed, eclectic collection of handmade , sterling and semi-precious gemstone jewelry inspired by nature.

 If you are local, you can find them in several upstate boutiques

Jems by JB & Company came to fruition years ago, when Judy and Bill were at once inspired by a piece of natural garnet found while hiking  Today they  design and create together, oh yes, and still hike!

 I love the idea that I may be wearing a piece of jewelry made with a stone found by Judy and Bill out on a hike. Although they work with many types of semi precious gemstones from all over the world, they still create pieces from local stones found in their natural state, which they have shaped and polished into finished stones for jewelry.

Feast your eyes and find out more Here


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thanks, Norah.