(more) ABOUT ME



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Danizabeth and Ghosts of the Midwest

 I am an original New York City girl. I combed the Urban Heartland from tip to tip and side to side for twenty five years. Always looking up, it is a miracle I was never mugged. New York City has lost so much of its seediness since I first arrived. Most people are thrilled with this. Me, I miss the ghosts. Call me nostalgic, but something about a boarded up building moves my insides. I think about who had lived there and wonder how this once vibrant home to hundreds had become slated for demolition. Why did the city stop loving it? I would walk along the shores of the Mighty Hudson and see the once needed steel piers collapsed in the murky waters, barnacles creeping up the sides. From age and disuse, the I-beams would shift and sink and lean into every odd geometric composition and I would stop and wonder, when did the city stop needing this?  Ghosts.

One of the first shops I found and “hearted” on Etsy.com is the art photography collection, Danizabeth. I was instantly drawn to her photographs of  a different type of ghost. Ghosts I have never really seen in person. But in looking at the photographs, I felt the photographer’s sense of sad nostalgia. This spoke to me and her work ached my heart.

 I have gone back to view these images countless times and today, I have the pleasure of sharing some of these photos with you. Danielle, of Danizabeth shares stories similar to my NYC ghost stories, only hers take place in the heartland of  Illinois. Drawn to a salvage yard, this life-long creator of art found a new medium and muse in a day.

Danielle is moved by images of yesteryear, frozen in time, in the present day. Her images are shot in natural light, and without fancy effects. They transport you to a seemingly easier time, a more innocent time when the days did not move by so quickly. Danielle captures beauty in unexpected places and things.

Danizabeth has been open and selling on Etsy for two years and is having a 15% off sale in celebration of this milestone. You can also contact Danielle about having prints made on canvas, or in other sizes. Find out more and follow this fantastic art photographer on her blog. You can also follow and support her on Facebook and Twitter.

I cannot wait to see what she does next. I look forward to seeing how she brings out the character of her next muse.

Thank you for reading,
A Besteam Feature
 The Best :
The Boosting Etsy Shops Team's goal is to provide marketing support for each others' Etsy shops by writing WEEKLY features on our blogs. For those that have them, we encourage use of Twitter Accounts and Facebook Fanpages to further this goal. Our team also shows support by offering free advertising for each other. We are a very dynamic, active group and we are now accepting new members!


  1. Great feature Norah! I love Danielle's photos! I bought one for my daughter at Christmas because she owns an old truck! I think my new favorite is the one with the old barn in the background!


    Off The Wall Expressions on Etsy

  2. Danielle certainly has a very unique style!
    I love all her photographs as well, though my favorite is the one with the old barn in to background also.
    IThat photograph makes me feel like I am taking a walk on a dirt road, enjoying and taking in everything nature has to offer, on my way to town!

  3. Hi! I'm new to Do You Etsy and saw your blog post. Following along now-I'm just getting ready to launch a jewelry line using my photography so I look forward to learning from you!


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thanks, Norah.