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Monday, April 4, 2011

April is Autism Awarness Month

In support of  April being Autism Awareness Month, 10% of proceeds from sales at Your Daily Jewels  throughout the month of April will be donated to the Autism Society's "Autism Source" for families. 
Someone you know is touched by Autism.

Current Data from the CDC
  • It is estimated that between 1 in 80 and 1 in 240 with an average of 1 in 110 children in the United States have an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) 
 This is a 600% increase in the last twenty years!

    • ASDs are reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, yet are on average 4 to 5 times more likely to occur in boys than in girls.  However, we need more information on some less studied populations and regions around the world. 

    • If 4 million children are born in the United States every year, approximately 36,500 children will eventually be diagnosed with an ASD.  Assuming the prevalence rate has been constant over the past two decades, we can estimate that about 730,000 individuals between the ages of 0 to 21 have an ASD. 

    • Studies in Asia, Europe and North America have identified individuals with an ASD with an approximate prevalence of 0.6% to over 1%.

    • Approximately 13% of children have a developmental disability, ranging from mild disabilities such as speech and language impairments to serious developmental disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and autism

    The Autism Society, among other things, runs Autism Source,  providing much needed  nationwide searchability for autism-related services and supports by location or service type. The Autism SourceTM Resource Database, created in 2004, is the most comprehensive database of its kind. The Autism Society strives to offer only credible and reliable resources to our constituents, therefore we have employed our nationwide network of chapters and collaborated with other autism organizations and professionals throughout the U.S. It is because of these collaborative relationships that the Resource Database continues to grow and is kept current with comprehensive resource listings.


    Your comments mean a lot to me. Thanks, Norah.