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Monday, May 9, 2011

Tuesday, May 10 is International Lupus Awareness Month

May 10th is World Lupus Day. As the Lupus Foundation of America’s (LFA) Global Ambassador, I hope you will join me and make the pledge today to educate others and raise awareness of lupus on behalf of the 5 million people worldwide living with this disease.

I have signed the pledge in honor of my childhood friend, Lucy Vodden, who lost her battle with lupus in 2009. Join me and add your name to the pledge!

(Lucy Vodden is Lucy, of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Julian's kindergarten girlfriend)

Please sign the pledge. Thank you so much

*********I will be donating 100% of my profits to the Lupus Foundation on May 10th. I hope lots of people shop********

Thank you, Julian for getting involve in this fight.

1 comment:

Your comments mean a lot to me. Thanks, Norah.