(more) ABOUT ME



Saturday, March 2, 2013

Where did Jan. and Feb. Go?

It seems like all of my posts start with "its been a while". When I started this blog, I had no idea how difficult it would be keeping it up!  I thought it would be a fun "hobby"; not viewing it as a crucial part of my marketing strategy.

Business has been great and I am so thankful to my customers, new, and those who have returned. Your Daily Jewels has taken off, but not without daily work on my SEO or Search engine optimization; SEM or Search engine marketing,; tweaking listings,  listing new things, designing and making new things, wrapping, shipping, endless emailing, and ordering supplies. Never mind Tweeting, Facebooking, Tumbling, Pinteresting, Stumbling, Kaboodling, Etsy networking, Deliciousizing, Wanelo, Fancy, Rebel Muse and advertising and posting on countless blogs. It is very hard work getting an online business up and running in a very competitive marketplace.

All of this from my little home studio in the midst of life: family life, health, dogs,  friends with crisis, two homes in the path of Hurricane Sandy, etc. So what's a girl to do? Well in my case? I am starting another company! Yes, you will see it soon. Within the next few months I will unveil The Modern Heirloom.com


I will leave you with that little teaser. Stay tuned for more information. Until then, I will be sharing silver pretties and lots of goodies from Your Daily Jewels, and a few musings now and then. Oh, I will give you the status of Rustic Rock next time.

Thank you for reading,

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